This season’s greetings!

Well, we’ve had snow.  We’re down south so it lasted mere minutes, but we had snow and I’m feeling festive.  You can tell by the exclamation mark in the title of the post.

In between nativities and making angel costumes and all the general Advent huggaboo, I’ve managed to squeeze in the annual Christmas card.  And oh look! It’s a terrible pun, which is possibly my favourite sort of pun.

I know it says Christmas, but whatever you celebrate, I hope it’s a good one.


May your days be merry and bright…


Last year, we were staying in the Peak District, and as night fell on Christmas day, so did the snow.  It was the loveliest thing.

It was slightly less lovely when our car got stuck in the pub car park the next day, but you have to take the rough with the smooth in these situations, and it was worth it for the cold beauty that the snow brought to the landscape, at once stark and soft.

My son wants it to snow this Christmas, but since today it was unseasonably warm enough to go out in just a t-shirt and a thin cardigan, he’s going to have to go on hoping.  I’ll be hoping along with him, though.

I was looking at previous posts, and saw last year’s card.  I wrote ‘seasons greetings’ on that as well.  I suppose that means something or other – I think it’s just a joyful idea that quite a lot of people all celebrate this time of year, whichever direction they’ve come at it from.

Whatever you’re putting the lights on for, though, I hope it’s a cheerful and peaceful time for you.